Wednesday, February 20, 2008

This sucks

My favorite show will likely get canceled a second time. Yes, that is right, my gut is telling me that Jericho will be over after the next 5 episodes. None of my friends watch it, and I can't understand why. Most watch Lost, which I never really got into. Maybe because I think of Lord of the Flies or something like that, deserted island, etc. It has already been done, but Jericho was a fresh idea. I guess myself and many of the other fans will have to hope one of the cable networks picks it up. This is the only show, I make sure I watch or set my DVR to. I have never been like that, even with Seinfeld or any other TV show.

I have even gotten my wife into the show, and she is really enjoying it. I just hope it doesn't end, but I will enjoy the ride as long as it lasts.


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