Wednesday, February 20, 2008

This sucks

My favorite show will likely get canceled a second time. Yes, that is right, my gut is telling me that Jericho will be over after the next 5 episodes. None of my friends watch it, and I can't understand why. Most watch Lost, which I never really got into. Maybe because I think of Lord of the Flies or something like that, deserted island, etc. It has already been done, but Jericho was a fresh idea. I guess myself and many of the other fans will have to hope one of the cable networks picks it up. This is the only show, I make sure I watch or set my DVR to. I have never been like that, even with Seinfeld or any other TV show.

I have even gotten my wife into the show, and she is really enjoying it. I just hope it doesn't end, but I will enjoy the ride as long as it lasts.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


It's been a while since I have written something here. Reminds me of my buddy Jason from NY, who started his, and didn't get too far along before he stopped. He is hilarious with his take on things, and with his little one now 6 months old, it will be interesting to hear his take on baby suicide watch. Speaking of that, we are almost out of that now. A is doing well, we just wish he would talk more. He does talk sometimes, asking "What's that?" and "Water (wawah)" while shaking his cup. He may be a little behind on his speech so we will be getting him checked out here in a couple months, especially after our experiences with Thomas.

Speaking of the Tornado, he is doing so much better. The audiologist with the school district did his hearing test a couple weeks ago and said he is a totally different kid. Very talkative, much more engaged, answers questions and follows directions! Well, we have been seeing this for a while, but it is very comforting when other people see this as well, especially those that deal with kids with autism. We are cautiously optimistic that he will eventually be able to support himself when he is an adult. There are a lot of clues and potential with his actions of late, so we just have to continue his therapy and work with him. Also, he knows how to play board games now!!!!! We can play Candyland and he knows what to do. This is a HUGE step! He is also getting better and actively learning Playstation too. Next, we will probably get him to play Chutes and Ladders in a month, which is slightly more advanced.

As far as Christian, well, Chris is Chris. Very forgetful, and he needs to work on that because it reflects in his schoolwork. Up and down constantly. He is very smart, and it is extremely frustrating to us because he can do anything he wants if he puts his mind to it. The problem is, he doesn't think he is as smart as he is. We have to get him to believe in himself more and I think things will improve.

As far as the Super Bowl, I kind of wanted the Pats to win, but to be honest, I HATE both teams. The only reason I kind of wanted the Pats to win was because of Brady, a Michigan Man. Eli is a whining baby and that will never change after what he pulled with SD. I just hope Belisuck gets what is coming to him.